TCC Receives The Innovation of the Year Award

May 21, 2024

Group photo of professionals who accepted the Innovation of the Year AwardTallahassee Community College has been recognized for its commitment to student success with the 2024 Innovation of the Year award from the League for Innovation in the Community College. The award acknowledges the College’s groundbreaking work in developing Pathways to Persistence (P2P), a cross-collaborative initiative aimed at providing comprehensive support to students who face challenges in completing their education.

The P2P framework, built on a foundation of data-informed practices, has proven to be a game-changer for student success at TCC. By implementing specific strategies such as consistent progress reporting windows and dedicated Academic Success Coaches, the College has created a personalized network of support for students to ensure their progress and completion.

“The impact of Pathways to Persistence has been remarkable, and we are honored to be recognized with the Innovation of the Year Award,” said Dr. Jim Murdaugh, President of TCC. “Student success rates in critical gateway courses have had an impressive increase, with Black student success rates alone rising by nearly 20%. The achievement gaps in these courses have narrowed by an additional 9.7% across all demographic groups. Our commitment to student success is at the forefront of what we do at the College. This achievement is a testament to the hard work and collaborative efforts of the entire TCC community.” 

“We are honored to receive the 2024 Innovation of the Year award, which highlights our dedication to enhancing student success,” said Calandra Stringer, Vice President of Academic Affairs and Provost.

The League for Innovation in the Community College created the Innovation of the Year Award to recognize exceptional innovations at member colleges. The award acknowledges innovative programs, practices, partnerships, policies, and activities that improve the ability of institutions to serve students and the community and to honor the faculty, staff, and administrators who have created and implemented them. Granting this award provides a venue for showcasing these innovations and the dedicated community college educators who strive for excellence on a daily basis.



The League for Innovation in the Community College is an international nonprofit organization with a mission to cultivate innovation in the community college environment. The League serves as a catalyst for introducing and sustaining deep, transformational innovation within and across colleges and international borders to increase student success and institutional excellence. Learn more at